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Fly Me to the Moon - Frank Sinatra

"The dumbest moron who ever lived"
Source: Portal 2
Anniversary: February 24th, 2022

Your guess is as good as mine. I hate his accent and his entire aura. However, he's silly and makes me laugh, so... That's something?
Sorry, this is one of the F/Os I like to bully. In all honesty, I just think he's cute and pathetic (complimentary). I thought he was very well-written and interesting, especially for a bot that was designed to be an idiot and nothing more. You love to see a short king take over and nearly destroy an unethical scientific facility!
I myself am not that great at puzzles or anything, so when I imagine myself interacting with Wheatley... Well, we'd be on the same wavelength, in a way. As much as I adore the Portal games, playing them is an abyssmal experience for me. I don't have enough braincells for it, as evidenced by the fact that I still haven't finished the game, despite it being one of my F/Os sources. Maybe someday!